
Best Practices

There's one thing that not everyone keeps in mind when in nature, and that's human nature.
A Screech Owl sits on a metal gate next to a sign that says "Sanctuary for wildlife and plants. Protected by federal and state law and by the National Audubon Society." Is the owl judging you?
Photo: Richard Covey

Francis Beidler Forest is a nature sanctuary, we try to be as minimal as possible in regards to modifying this old growth swamp, and that includes how wildlife is treated. Please help us and the santuary by following these best practices while you are wandering through our ancient forest:

  • Don’t litter
  • Don't speak loudly
  • Don’t carve into trees
  • Don’t feed or bait animals
  • Don’t use birdsong playbacks
  • Don't use drones on the property
  • Don’t bring pets onto the boardwalk
  • Don't enter the grounds when we are closed
  • Don’t throw things at animals or pick them up
  • Don’t climb off the boardwalk (yes we have to tell people this)
  • Don’t break off plants in reach of the boardwalk or trails (especially the poison ivy)
  • Don't wander off the trails or out of designated areas (we have neighbors, you know!)

If you drop something off the boardwalk, or see someone doing any of the aforementioned things above please call our center at 843.487.9988

Here's some things we encourage you to do:

  • Do take photos, and bring them back to our center to ask us what is you saw!
  • Do take your trash with you, it helps us keep the load light at our isolated location
  • Do share what you see with others you pass by so they'll know what to look out for, you just might make someone's day!
  • Do be sure to alternate between looking up, down, and along the handrails, all three areas have the potential for interesting critters
  • Do take a few moments every now and then to listen, in the quiet you can pinpoint squirrels nibbling on food, lizards running across bark, and woodpeckers knocking against hollow trees
  • Do tell your friends about us, word of mouth remains an important factor for our yearly visitations!

How you can help, right now