
MAPS Bird Banding

Beidler Forest has banded together with MAPS, a bird research project.
A researcher holds a Swainson's Warbler in their hand, from its back pokes the sensory node of a geolocator.
This Swainson's Warbler has been equipped with a geolocator which can tell us where this bird migrates to in the winter. Photo: Jennifer Tyrrell

Ever wonder how scientists know that a bird species is declining?  Or how we can pinpoint the exact reasons and develop solutions that make a difference? 

The answer is:  huge research studies like MAPS.  MAPS has been going on for nearly 30 years.  Data comes from 1,200 stations across the continent and includes 2 million records of birds that have been captured, examined, and banded. 

In 2017, Audubon’s Beidler Forest joined the MAPS team.  Through the summer nesting season we caught birds in fine nets in the forested uplands above the swamp, recorded their vital statistics, then banded and released them. 

We caught Hooded Warblers, Northern Parulas, White-Eyed Vireos, and more.  We also kept hearing a rare and elusive Swainson’s Warbler  then finally we caught it!

There are two reasons we’re excited to be involved in this study.  First, we’ve got old MAPS data from a station nearby.  Comparisons could reveal something about the impact of climate change on our state’s nesting forest birds.

Second, we’re capturing the very species that Audubon South Carolina’s Bird-Friendly Forests program is designed to protect.  The Hooded Warbler and the Swainson’s Warbler (which is especially sensitive to habitat loss) are among the top priorities in our work with foresters throughout the state.

Admittedly, banding at Beidler is hot, buggy work.  But for bird scientists, it's a joyful assignment.  If any volunteers want to join us, we’d be glad to train you.  And/or please come bring us lunch!  :)

PROJECT CONTACT:  Jennifer McCarthey Tyrrell,

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