We are pleased to report a very successful season for our breeding Prothonotary Warblers here at Beidler. This past spring, staff and volunteers maintained and consistently checked 19 boxes twice weekly for three months. Because of these efforts, we were able to report season totals of 49 eggs, 47 nestlings, and 46 fledglings! Over half of our nest boxes were utilized with a 96% hatch rate and a 97% fledge rate, which is incredible! That means the majority of these nestlings were able to fledge successfully and join their parents in the swamp.
Checking boxes is hard work but gleans valuable information about a species in decline. If you’re interested in assisting with Prothonotary Warbler nest monitoring, let us know! Getting certified is easy and you’ll be fully trained before heading out into the swamp. If interested, please email beidler@audubon.org.

- Total Nest Sites: 21 (19 boxes + 2 natural cavities)
- Total Nest Attempts: 11
- Total Eggs: 49
- Total Young: 47
- Total Fledglings:46
Consistently checked 19 boxes twice weekly
- 10 produced successful PROW nests
- 5 hosted nests of other bird species
- 4 hosted more than one brood cycle
For comparison here's the numbers from last year: